what is this
a list of projects I made, tried to make, or did not get to make while at Recurse Center, sep-dec 2023.
working on them
- minivac 601 simulator!! let’s goo!! (… maybe!! almost!!!……)
- (another game) — name TBD — it’s about being/feeling sorry
- Everyone is – I have a prototype that works! I need to do bit of cleanup & math and then launch!!
infinite pool of maybe-projects (in order of kinda faves first + then random)
- alternatives to css - artistic-y/creative-y alternatives to css /// port of alternatives to web? swiftui for web? qt for web?
- mp3s cannot loop - PSA/educational site/dive into mp3 format/looping/ableton default export, etc.
- better PWA support for 1940s.nyc - this issue/discussion
- audio “api” generator - not really an api – more a comedy project, but exciting nevertheless
- secret movie project - more soon!
- secret project around food (it’s worth the wait/reveal, hopefully)
- not using clustering in maps – very hot topic for me. educational/PSA/mapping
- “rankist” - drop a bunch of files? or text lines? and be asked which you prefer until you rank them in some order
- like typeracer but for regex
- exif web viewer and/or cleaner! - same as plist, all browser based, for one or multiple images
- sqlite - same as plist/exif, export as csv
- pong a day - inspired by Pippin Barr’s Pongs, make a number of variations on some “"”easily understandable””” game. something to do with pushing a ball into a net (with physics/gravity/3d??) but some element of the game is distorted? something simpler?
- weird zoom/online chat with face detection? I had a draft in march 2020 - is this still something I want to do
- something that tracks how many times I open gmail per day (I don’t want to know)
- something about digital smells?
- something about restaurant reviews?
- a le sphinx (old school) crypto device emulator?
- something about a small project manifesto?
- which day of recurse is it? day 0? day 14? basically this calendar but telling me where I am in-batch. this feels like not a good time investment to make & goes against the idea of taking it day by day, etc.
books/links/things I’d like to study/go through (maybe in a future batch, who knows!)
- aardvark’d- 12 weeks with geeks - youtube
- accessing llama 2 from the command-line with the llm-replicate plugin
- beej’s guide to network programming
- build your own flight sim in c++ (dos gamedev) by michael radtke & chris lampton - michael radtke, chris lampton - free download, borrow, and streaming - internet archive
- catching up on the weird world of llms
- chatlzma – text generation from data compression
- combinators and graph reduction
- compiling to assembly from scratch
- crafting interpreters
- cs-app3e, bryant and o’hallaron
- designing a simple analog kick drum from scratch - youtube
- django ninja
- futrell:ziplm
- history of cartography- volumes one, two, three, four, and six
- how does a database work? let’s build a simple database
- how to design programs, second edition
- implementing cosine in c from scratch - austin z. henley
- javascript systems music
- john tromp- the binary lambda calculus, the smallest program language
- john’s combinatory logic playground
- learn physics with functional programming - no starch press
- llm- a cli utility and python library for interacting with large language models
- masters of doom
- nand2tetris
- neural networks and deep learning
- painting with math- a gentle study of raymarching - maxime heckel’s blog
- ray tracer construction kit
- ray tracing in one weekend series
- the geometry of musical rhythm- what makes a “good” rhythm good?
- the great ‘roll your own crypto’ debate with filippo valsorda
- the little schemer
- top hacker news books of all time
- visualizing mathematics with 3d printing
- web sdr with emscripten decoder
- welcome to linux from scratch!
- https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingInOneWeekend.html
- https://github.com/Futrell/ziplm
- http://joyofcryptography.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLRdruqQfRk
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLRdruqQfRk
- https://pysdr.org/index.html
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38034363
- https://dx13.co.uk/articles/2023/12/02/byo-index-pt1/
- https://browser.engineering/
- https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/
- https://matthias-research.github.io/pages/tenMinutePhysics/18-flip.pdf
- https://github.com/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python
notes for myself, kinda
- John Carmack’s .plan archives – how to get there using some super simple tools..? is this Recurse’s “checkins” channel? i.e. posting to that channel is… enough?
- “surround yourself with the mess of what you love” - austin kleon (quote offered to me by Aditya – thanks!!)
ongoing background projects (moving this to the very bottom to remind myself that I didn’t come to RC to work on these even though I still care about these projects a lot)
this is a list of projects that I already have going on and will either come back to / dedicate some time to, or maybe leave alone for a longer while: